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Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank You All Who Have Entered the Giveaway So Far!

  Wow, here we are at about 1 month until I draw names for the Appaloosy Giveaway. It seems like a lot of you are intent on winning, for that I'm glad. And because you guys are so great, I'm EXTENDING the Grand Prize. Not only will you get Appaloosy, Dusty's Trail, First Copy of Golden Sunrise, and your blog featured, you will now get a beautiful collector's item from Breyer!

   Because I love Appaloosas so much, it just couldn't be any other breed! You will notice here that I'm including the Appaloosa Mare & Foal set from Breyer ($21.99 value) to go along with your Appaloosy Book. And if you didn't know, Breyer is The Name in horse collector's models. So keep the followers coming! =)  Here's a link for more information from Breyer :
    ALSO--check out the UPDATED "Appaloosy Giveaway" Page via this link or at the side under "Pages"

  Thank you too for your help in helping people to learn about my blog.



  1. I put up your thing about the giveaway on my blog. Does that mean I get a third entry?

  2. Thanks for following my blog Mattie!

  3. Gallop Girl: Your blog is cool so far! I really like it, and I would probably follow even if you weren't following mine. :)
    Book Blogger: You're entered three times now!
    Can't wait to see who wins!

  4. Hi there

    I am new to your blog.
    I just wanted to let you know that Gallop Girl sent me.

  5. Hi Margaret!
    I will enter you into the contest, and another time for Gallop Girl, too.
    Hope you like my blog!

  6. Ohhhhh! I wish I could enter! I so want the boks, the breyer models, EVERYTHING! *Sigh* But my mom doesn't really want me to.
    By the way, maybe if I told my mom what your book was about she'd change her mind. What is it about?


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