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Friday, October 14, 2011

Curse Google Accounts, Now I'm Bitter

Once again I haven't been on here very often, part of the reason is because of the fact that my google account keeps getting messed up, don't know how, but it is frustrating me terribly. So, some good news, my books are now available for sale on!

Here is Appaloosy

and Dusty's Trail is Here

awesome, huh? I'm so glad, now people who don't know me will be more willing to buy my books. And for those of you who have had a chance to read them and enjoyed them, pass the word on, please!

Also, I have a page on Facebook for my books. Like it if you have a facebook account! Mattie Richardson, ND's Teen Author/Appaloosy Books

So, once again, thanks for reading even though I don't post very often!



  1. Good to have you back, Mattie! How are the other novels coming?

  2. Aw, thanks you two. I really like it when people really read what I write, and then are kind enough to leave encouraging comments! Other books are doing okay, Maddy, I just need to get my lazy butt in gear on getting them thorougly edited and then published! Thanks for reading,


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